Monday, March 23, 2009

Hawaii, I miss you!

Beautiful O'ahu from way up high on Diamond Head lookout! We were surrounded by Japaneese TEENAGE tourist, which was interesting to say the least!

Brooke is my go-to girl and she is so lucky to live in a place as beautiful and warm as she does. Jelous!

Hawaii was a blast! Besides the rainny parts, it was so much fun to visit a new place and embark on some new adventures with my good pal Brooke.
We ate out every day and I got to try some Shabu Shabu which is a Japaneese soup that is prepared at your table with tons of meats and veggies!! It is prepared in a broth, which after you eat out all the meats, they come back and pour egg and rice into the broth, which makes an amazing thick soup...Mmmm! Can't wait to learn how to make it! I didn't get as much sun as I thought I would, which is probably a good thing! We went and hiked to a waterfall and climbed to see out over the island! It was fun ridding on the back of Brooke's mo-ped. It was illegal for her to have a passenger, even though there is a no helmet law in Hawaii, I still packed one from Seattle! I really loved the beautiful, jungle feeling of the island and how lush and green it was, even compared to Seattle! I met up with Marianne Fleck, who is the grandma of the kids I nanny for. She was staying at an insanely nice hotel and hooked me up for some five star breakfast! I loved all the flower arrangements in her hotel.